
Hand putting a heart into a slot

Through our work to prevent and treat child abuse and trauma, we build STRONG FAMILIES AND SAFE KIDS. This is a commitment we all share, and your contribution goes towards making a tangible difference in the lives of local families. With your generosity, we are able to not only make impacts today but into the future as well.

When we support children, youth, and families who have experienced traumatic events, we make resilience a real possibility. In partnership with communities, systems and YOU, we work to promote child well-being, strengthen family capacity to thrive, and to prevent maltreatment and family separation by creating the safe, stable environments that children need.

How to Give

By Mail or Credit Card CHECK: Make your check payable to Family Enhancement Center and Write “contribution” on the memo line.  Mail to: 
Family Enhancement Center 
4826 Chicago Ave S, Suite 105 
Minneapolis, MN 55417 
CREDIT CARDUse this link or Paypal 
Monthly GivingRecurring monthly gifts provide a steady stream of support.  Start your recurring gift today! 
Stock TransfersCall us today at 612-827-3028, to let us know you are making a gift of stock.  This is important to ensure proper receipt and acknowledgement of your gift. You can then select an electronic or physical transfer. 
Corporate MatchesDouble your impact through your employer’s matching gift program.  Many companies offer this benefit to current and sometime retired employees.  Check out this list of many companies with matching programs.  Or ask your HR representative for more information. 
Organizing an online fundraiser for FEC Go to our GiveMN page and click the “Fundraise” button. You’ll need to sign up for an account on the site, if you haven’t already. You’ll receive an email to verify your account. Then, follow the easy steps to edit your campaign. 
Share the campaign with your followers using your unique URL. 
Legacy GiftsGive through your estate to continue your support of kids and families long into the future.  Ways to give include: Bequest, IRA, Life Insurance, gifts of Cash or Securities.  
Federal EIN: 41-7145523  
Ways to GiveHow to GiveBenefit to youBenefits to FEC
BequestsInclude FEC in your will or revocable living trust deferring your gift until after your lifetime.Include FEC in your will or revocable living trust deferring your gift until after your lifetime Ensures our future for generations to come 
IRAName FEC as whole or partial beneficiary of the plan
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD): Contact the custodian of your IRA (your financial advisor, broker/dealer, agent or bank) to ask about their procedure for QCD. The IRS does not have a minimum contribution for QCDs but your custodian may. The IRS does have a maximum donation in a single tax year of $100,000. Your custodian will write a check directly to the charity and take the funds from your IRA. 
Your contribution is exempt from Federal estate tax. 
Donations from your IRA, are available to IRA owners 70 ½ years old and older. If you are subject to Required Minimum Distributions, these contributions can be used to fulfill the distribution requirement. You make the donations directly from your IRA but do not have to include the money in your taxable income like other IRA withdrawals, even if you do not itemize your deductions. 
Ensures our future for generations to come; 
OR your gift supports our work immediately 
Life InsuranceName FEC as beneficiary on an existing policy or transfer ownership on a policy no longer needed. Premiums are fully paid by the donor.Make a large gift at little cost.  Receive an income tax charitable deduction under most circumstances. Reduce future estate tax liability. Ensures our future for generations to come 
StockOnce you have decided to donate the stock, contact your investment advisor to work out the details. Your investment advisor can help you determine which shares of which stock work best. Contact Lisa at FEC: 612-827-3028  If you have shares that have appreciated in value, you can donate them without paying tax on the appreciation in value. Your gift supports our work immediately 
Donor Advised FundA Donor Advised Fund is a fund you set up with a financial institution to manage your charitable contributions. The funds are invested until you grant the funds to a specific charity You receive a tax deduction when you contribute the money to the fund, so you do not get a tax deduction when the funds go to the charity. You can decide how much is granted each year and vary the organizations you support. 
A Donor Advised Fund can help you itemize your deductions on your tax return by bunching two or more years’ contributions into a single year. It is also useful if you receive a taxable windfall, like sale of a business. 
Your gift supports our work immediately