FEC Fall Scavenger Hunt

FEC is hosting it’s first ever, socially-distanced Fall Scavenger Hunt! Saturday, September 26th join us for an adventurous morning of teamwork, problem solving, and of course… PRIZES!
Tickets are $25 each. Teams (2-4 members in size) will spend the morning roaming around our South Mpls. neighborhood to find a total of 7 specific businesses within a 10 block radius. Each team will be working from clues to find these 7 businesses. Each business will have a token you will take with you to the finish line. All businesses are donors who have been kind enough to partner with us in the past. The first team to collect all 7 tokens and get to the FEC office, will have their first pick of prizes!
*To ensure that we keep everyone safe and physically distant, we will be limiting this event to 25 participants total.
Click HERE to learn more!