Funding the Healing: The Un-Gala Week of Giving

This Spring, The Family Enhancement Center will not be having our annual, in-person gala fundraiser. Instead, we are hosting an online “Funding the Healing” campaign! Visit our New Online Giving Page HERE to learn more!
Beginning April 15th, each day you will be able to hear client stories of resilience from our passionate staff and learn more about the work we do to prevent & heal child abuse.
Follow us on our Facebook page and our NEW Instagram page @FamilyEnhancementCenter to stay up-to-date! What is the best way to support FEC this month? Donate to our “Funding the Healing” campaign AND share our Online Giving page to your personal social media to spread the word! Remember to use our hashtag #StrongFamiliesSafeKids.
Interested in becoming an individual or corporate sponsor this month? Feel free to contact us via email at or by phone at 612·827·3028. For a closer look at various levels of sponsorship and details click HERE for more information.